Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Yes! I would love this man...

I have two new crushes... both thanks to a non-shitty film starring old lesbian-faced Jim Carrey - "Yes Man".

First is the female love interest - Zooey Deschanel;
She's got a great sexy/cute/out there vibe going on in the film. She kind of reminds of Maggie Gyllenhaal in "Stranger Than Fiction" - strong but soft at the same time. If she keeps putting in performances like this, she could very well be another woman I'll turn straight for.

Then there's the "best friend" - Bradley Cooper;

He played the jackass fiance in Wedding Crashers, but in this film he just smoulders. I think there's a bit of a Ralph/Joseph Feinnes vibe going on with him.
Hmmm... shirtless Bradley Cooper.

Overall, its not a bad film to watch. Loads of real LOL moments throughout... its been a long time since I've seen that in a Jim Carey movie.


cb said...

You stay away from my Bradley!!

Bri said...

I've loved Bradley ever since Alias first came out. I knew we'd get to see more of him. Hope he gets to be a really big star and see heaps more shirtless pics. A full frontal would be nice, lol.