So I have unwittingly managed to delete every single one of my pictures from the blog.
Fantastic... It now looks like some retard TAFE graduate has tried to design something super-funky for their final project, and left out one little piece of code and managed to fuck it right up.
So how to did I manage to remove every image? I blame Google+.
When I joined up, it asked me if I wanted to sync all my pictures from where ever google keeps a stash of stuff I have saved. "Sure. That would make life easier," says I.
Next thing I see, Google+ has imported all of my blog pictures. Fuck. While none of them were pornographic, I just didn't want all these random images plastered all over my wall (is that what its even called in google+???), so I went and deleted them. Sure, easy enough.
What I didn't realise is that is was deleting them from Picassa, and there for everything FROM MY BLOG. Mother fuckers.
Why the hell does google have to make everything connected? Not every program under the sun has to have some sort of linkage to another program to make it better.
Apple products seem to be even worse. My housemate has a Macbook Air, an iPad and an iPhone - when someone comments on his face book status, all three devices make a sound to let him know it has happened. Its really fucking annoying when people start a flame war on his wall and it goes off for an hour or so.
Sadly, a lot of the pics were saved down on my old old flatmate's laptop, which of course has died a thousand deaths due to the amount of porn she used to watch. I really have no idea where they came from, or even who featured in some of them. But they were a reminder of happier times. Times when I had more creativity and inspiration in my life.
So what to do? Well considering I haven't blogged for a long time now - its time to refresh the design and find some new pictures. Possibly take down some of the sad sack posts when I was going insane and not coping with my illnesses.
Time to get the creative juices going again I believe... and in my next post I shall explain in a lot more detail how this is going to happen.
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